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  • What is Kombucha? I've never heard of it!
    Kombucha is an ancient Japanese beverage made by fermenting tea. It's high on probiotics and low on calories, so you and your gut will be bubbling with life!
  • What happens to the sugar and tea during fermentation?
    The SCOBY( Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast) feeds on the sugar and tea and produces healthy enzymes , probiotics and healthy organic acids.
  • How much sugar in Kombucha?
    Around 4 gms per 100ml of residual sugar is left post fermentation. Sugar is required to kickstart the fermentation. During fermentation, the sugar is consumed by the bacteria and yeast and converted into probiotics, enzymes and healthy organic acids. The sugar is their fodder, not yours! P.S.: We only use raw unrefined organic sugar!
  • How much Kombucha should I have?
    As a general rule of thumb, drinking 200-300ml of kombucha 5 times a week would be a great way to get in those probiotics in your gut and it'd do wonders for your gut health!
  • When is the best time to consume Kombucha?
    Well, since the idea is to consume it everyday, we always recommend to drink it at a time that fits into your lifestyle! If you ask us? It makes for one hell of a pick-me-up in the mornings and with a dash of gin, it helps me wind up my day!
  • Can I consume 'too much' Kombucha?
    This is for all those of you who get hooked onto something in weeks! Although Kombucha, just like other fermented beverages, has an acquired taste, I warn you, you could get obsessed! No teenager, at 16, trying beer for the first time ever liked it, right? But once you acquire the taste, yup, we all know how that goes! The only difference here is that kombucha is actually really great for you! But of course, excessive consumption of anything is not advisable. So, I'd say stick to 500ml a day and you’re good to go!
  • How should kombucha be ideally stored?
    Being raw and unpasteurized, kombucha should be stored in the refrigerator. However, if you leave it out for a day or two, there’s absolutely no problem in drinking it!
  • How long does kombucha stay good for?
    Although, kombucha being a fermented, doesn't go 'bad' so easily; we recommend consuming kombucha within 60 days from the date of manufacturing.
  • There’s something floating in my booch! What is it?
    KoBu is alive and unpasteurized! This means, the kombucha may contain some bits of floaters that are part of the mother culture. Embrace the floaties, they’re part of the raw package!
  • Does Kombucha contain alcohol?
    One of the byproducts of natural fermentation is trace alcohol. So yes, KoBu contains less than 0.5% alcohol. It is classified as a non-alcoholic beverage.
  • What makes Kombucha so special?
    Simply put, the rich cultures of gut friendly bacteria, the little bugs for our gut, the probiotics, and of course, the B-vitamins, the organic acids,the antioxidants and the live digestive enzymes, all packed together in one drink, is what makes Kombucha very hard to beat!
  • Does Kombucha contain caffeine?
    Kombucha only has around 1/3rd the caffeine as compared to the tea that it's made from. During the fermentation process, the bacteria and yeast actually consume some amounts of the caffeine therefore, leaving a residual amount.
  • Tea? Vinegar? What is Kombucha made of!?
    Essentially, Kombucha is made by fermenting tea. It can’t be that simple? There must be some secret sauce!? Well, the secret lies within what happens during fermentation. What starts as sweet tea, turns into this delicious tangy and subtly sweet health tonic, Kombucha!The fermentation process involves the Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY) being introduced to the ferment and feeding on the sugar and tea for 10 to 14 days to produce the magic that we call Kombucha!Still sounds simple, right? Well, what happens during fermentation is actually the complex biological part of the process. The SCOBY feeding on the sugar and tea, in turn, reproduces good bacteria and yeast in the form of probiotics. These probiotics are absolutely crucial for maintaining our gut health! Other beneficial byproducts of the fermentation include the production of B vitamins, organic acids, digestive enzymes, trace alcohol, and finally carbon dioxide that gives it its natural effervescence. All these benefits put together and we've got ourselves a true superfood, Kombucha Tea!
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